Join the Directory of Tony Patiño Fellows

The Tony Patiño Fellowship has developed a Directory of Tony Patiño Fellows and Fellows-Elect on the website. The Directory allows each Fellow and Fellow-Elect to populate their own profile and review the profiles of other Fellows. 

Please take a few minutes to claim your profile and populate it with your information. Click here to get started 

Everyone’s profile will look a bit different, but at a minimum, please include the following information:

  • Headshot
  • Professional bio
  • Law school activities
  • Areas of legal expertise/interest
  • Contact information (email, phone)

Here are two examples of populated profiles:

Fully filling out your profile in the Directory will allow other Fellows to find you, learn about your interests and areas of expertise, and connect for networking purposes. Thank you for taking a few moments to complete this information. Click here to get started.

 The Tony Patiño Fellowship has long sought to provide a community for Fellows to meet, reconnect and network. The Directory of Fellows is an exciting step toward this goal. Please respond to this email with any questions.